About Whitney Schieltz

Hometown: Dayton, OH
Current Ministry: Housing Coordinator at Working in Neighborhoods in Cincinnati
Stage of Formation/Vows: Temporary Vows
Congregation: Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati

Click HERE to learn more about the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati

Whitney's Blog Reflections:

Sightseeing and Service - 9/2/2015

Believing is Seeing - 12/27/2015

Mirror - 2/14/2016

On the Way - 4/11/2016

The Language of God - 6/23/2016

Stepping Into the Unknown - 9/2/2016

Responding to God's Love - 1/13/2017

Shall I not drink the cup that the Father gave me? - 4/14/2017

Saying Goodbye to the Border - 7/26/2017

I Can't Be Me Without You... - 2/7/2018

Let's Get Creative - 6/20/2018

The Builders - 9/26/2018

Growing in Patience - 4/10/2019


  1. Thanks for your thoughtful reflection, Whitney. Blessings as you prepare to begin your novitiate.

  2. Thanks Whitney, quite a testimony
    Sr.Vicki L


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