Hometown: Born in south Texas, but grew up in Bellbrook, OH
Current Ministry: U.S./Mexico border ministry
Stage of Formation/Vows: Temporary Vows
Congregation: Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati
Click HERE to learn more about the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati
Andrea's Blog Reflections:
Go, Make a Difference! - 12/5/2014
Christmas in Community - 12/26/2014
It Must Be Love! - 2/5/2015
Easter and Earth Day - 4/22/2015
YES! - 7/12/2015
Love Wins! - 10/23/2015
Advent(urous) Companions - 12/9/2015
To See as God Sees - 2/7/2016
No Exceptions - 8/19/2016
My, How You've Grown! - 1/6/2017
Call a Midwife, or Maybe a Sister! - 5/5/2017
The Vocation of Location and the Presents of Presence - 7/12/2017
New Wine Skins - 3/15/2018
Ready to Set Sail - 8/1/2018
Who, me? - 12/23/2018
Welcome: Christmas Eve Reflections from the Border - 12/24/2018
Thanks for your thoughtful post, Andrea. Lots to reflect on!