Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Fruits of Our Lives

By Sr. Annie Klapheke

“Then you shall declare before the Lord, your God, ‘I have now brought you the first fruits of the products of the soil which you, O Lord, have given me.’  And having set them before the Lord, your God, you shall bow down in his presence.”
Deuteronomy 26:5,10

I am currently in Antigua, Guatemala for a ten week language immersion.  When I heard these words from Deuteronomy on the first Sunday of Lent, they came alive in a new way.  Antigua is world-renowned for its celebration of Lent and Holy Week.  One of the traditions associated with these celebrations is the creation of alfombras.  These elaborate “carpets” are created on the church floors and in the streets using colored sawdust, flowers, seeds, vegetables, fruits, pine needles and other various plants.  The carefully crafted creations are, quite literally, an offering to God of the “fruits of the soil”.   

Here is a good reflection question for Lent:  Do I offer the first fruits of my life to God?  In other words, do I use my gifts first for the glory of God?  Or is my first priority to use my gifts to promote my own well-being, comfort and security?  As this verse from Deuteronomy reminds us, our gifts are not of our own achievement; rather they are products of the soil which the Lord has given us.  Since we have received without cost, we are to give without cost. 

How can we offer the fruits of our lives to God? 

Jesus offers some helpful advice:  what you do for the least ones, you do for me (Matthew 25:40).  During this season of Lent, may we recognize the fruits of our lives and offer them, first and foremost, for God and God’s people.

Alfombra in La Merced in Antigua, Guatemala (Annie Klapheke)

Alfombra in La Merced in Antigua, Guatemala (Annie Klapheke)

Alfombra in La Catedral in Antigua, Guatemala (Annie Klapheke)

Alfombra in the streets of Antigua, Guatemala (Annie Klapheke)

Alfombra in the streets of Antigua, Guatemala (Annie Klapheke)
Alfombra in the streets of Antigua, Guatemala (Annie Klapheke)

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